Monday, June 1, 2015


Saturday, February 21, 2015

camp opens april 15th

This year we plan to live outside with one electricity outlet for the refridgerator and 1 for my laptop from April 15th 2015 - Oct 15th 2015 ---- 6 months of close quarter living with super-low dependence on resources --- once we determine our calorie, water and energy needs  -- we will know exactly how many guinea pigs to rear for protein and where to have our permanent year round outdoor dwelling for our biggest experiment yet as a family ----I can't wait for 2016.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

no guns needed for survival.

We think guns will save us in survival situations but I think it will drain your energy to carry it around and defend the gun (which everyone would want) and you may get shot because everyone will percieve you as a threat especially strangers. In the long run you will run out of bullets as there is a limit to what you can carry and everyone will be fighting for bullets and the production will definitely stop or be limited in an economic collapse - the most probable scenario for mass survival. Now even if some bullets and guns are being produced ---you might get killed just obtaining that.

My solution is to learn how to make bows and spears and tomahawks ---- knives are easy to make but are too dangerous-- you want stuff that can be thrown from a distance. These weapons should be made from readily available materials and one could discard them and make new ones later - so they wont add to your travel weight.

of course - humans will fare better if we all come together ---but some violence in defense will be unavoidable and we should be prepared for it.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

the best snack in the world

Why do I eat insects?
1.  they are tasty
2.  once I bake them i can eat them after 1 .5 years if i need to.
3.  most protein laden food ever, very low fat, low calories.
4.  easily sustainable- you cant eat enough insects - insects reproduce like crazy and taken together are many times the biomass of humans
5.  I feed my crickets oranges and banana and they give me 75% protein laden food in return - on the other hand I feed my cow 7 pounds of grain and 100 gallons of water to get 1 pound of beef which has only 22% protien ----- thats the definition of inefficient.
6.  The cows produce more greenhouse gases than all automobiles put together -- the insects wont cause the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it scenario.
7.  Nobody , not one human in this world would go hungry if we all could accept insects into our diet.
8.  The caveman and many hominids thrived on insects.
9.  80% of the world population today eat insects in their diet.
10. prawns, crawfish and crabs are insect cousins.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

the truth about solar panels

hey-- my electric company is Choptamk, u may have another one - just fill in your company for choptank.
so a guy who sells solar panels told me my house was great for solar and I should buy panels from him.
but the guys who give you zero down also looked at my house but told me it is not good for solar!!!!

here is the deal........

 there are people who will tell u that solar panels are the best and u should buy them---those

 are people who sell solar panels....

...then there are people who give you solar panels for free but make money when u buy the

 electricity (for 2 cents a kilowatt less than choptank) and they will only place the solar 

panels if they can profit off of u-- because u dont pay for the electricity u consume!!! -- u pay 

for the electricity the solar panels make whether u consume it or not!!!!..... so if u go on 

vacation and the solar panels are still making electricity--- u got to pay up!!!! the 

choptank will buy excess electricity - but at a price lower than what u r paying--- so u end 

up loosing money!!!....

...... so what is the answer? .....get solar city to evaluate your home for solar as they make 

money off the real profit...then...if they say ok---- buy your own panels!!...the experts have 

already said they will make money off u --- so u will be much better on your it????

Thursday, November 27, 2014

I love you....but I love water the most

Hey- how is it going?
did you pay for your Mercedes yet?
How is your mortgage doing?
and college loans? and the new computer and leather sofa you wanted this year?
yeah...I am doing fine too!!..I am more worried about how the hell are we going to feed every human on earth and what if we run out of water?????
watch the movie---- every survivalist needs to watch this movie. and then go out in the cold and see how long u can last ...then realize how important it is for us to keep the heat going and conserve our fuel and just have responsdamnability!!!